Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Royal Prepatory School in APAM! ! !

On this visit, i had a chance to meet Mr. Hayford Quaye of Apam. He is the brother of the chief of Apam Nana Apaa and Owner of the two schools. His school is the #1 school in academics in the Apam region. I was particularly impressed with this school because of the conditions it exist in. The land that it resides in gets very wet in the rainy season. This school has been opened for over 25 years. Mr. Quaye manages a primary and junior high school for kids at this same site. I had a chance to meet both schools and speak with the kids. I introduced myself and told them instead of having a pen pal from the US, they can have what i call "Video Pals". This is where the kids would ask questions to my students in the US and my students will respond back via internet. (This will come on a later post) I was also able to answer many of the questions they had as well about teaching and our school system. They were all excited and ready to ask some of their most interesting questions. I was able to observe that although being in a 3rd world country, these students here in Apam have some of the same interests as my students in the US. (Video Games, Sports, and Academics) We had a wonderful time and by the end of my visit i managed to fall in a big puddle! Ha ha! No problem, i was able to change and claimed this fall an initiation in the city of Apam! I had a wonderful time. This was also the day President Obama visited cape coast and gave his speech. The kids were all excited and shouted out Obama's name! I thought Obama may be visiting the school they were so excited. With Mr. Quaye's help, we will begin an environment clean up project in the beach area of Apam. Apam is the home of many long time and experienced fisherman and has an original slave castle named "Fort Patience" in existence since 1697. Mr. Quaye will begin a clean up project with his students for the beach, urging that a clean environment outside of the waters will produce cleaner waters for Apam. He and his students have already been cleaning the inner city on occasion. Teaching the students early about keeping their city clean will bring awareness not only to new visiters but also to its community members. Way to go Royal Prep! Keep up the good work! We will see more of Royal Prep in August...

1 comment:

  1. Phenomenal job. The more I read, the more impressed I am. The work you are doing is the most righteous work on earth. Give thanx, brotha.
